National Drink Wine Day 2023

When and What is National Drink Wine Day?

National Drink Wine Day is a holiday celebrated annually on February 18th. It’s a day to celebrate and appreciate the joys of wine, whether it be with friends and family or simply enjoying a glass on your own.

Background on National Drink Wine Day

Wine has a rich history dating back thousands of years and is enjoyed all around the world. It’s made from fermented grapes or other fruits and comes in a variety of types, including red, white, and rosé. Wine is often associated with sophistication and elegance, and it’s a staple at many formal dinners and events.

But wine isn’t just for special occasions – it can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. In fact, many people enjoy a glass of wine as a way to unwind after a long day or to celebrate a special occasion. And with National Drink Wine Day, there’s no excuse not to indulge in a glass (or two).

Don’t miss our wine tastinng 101

national drink wine day

How to properly celebrate National Drink Wine Day?

So, how can you celebrate National Drink Wine Day? Here are a few ideas:

  • 1. Host a wine tasting party Invite some friends over and taste a variety of wines. You can either purchase a selection of wines from your local wine shop or create a theme, such as “wines from Italy” or “red wines only.” Don’t forget to provide some light snacks, such as cheese and crackers, to help cleanse the palate between sips.
  • 2. Visit a winery Many wineries offer tours and tastings, so why not make a day of it and visit a local winery? You’ll get to learn about the wine-making process and taste a variety of wines. If you can’t make it to a winery, consider visiting a wine bar instead.
  • 3. Pair wine with food Wine and food go hand in hand, so why not try pairing different wines with different foods? For example, a full-bodied red wine pairs well with a hearty meat dish, while a crisp white wine pairs well with seafood. Experiment with different combinations and see what you like best.
  • 4. Learn about wine If you’re a wine lover, take this opportunity to learn more about your favorite beverage. Read up on different wine regions, grape varietals, and wine-making techniques. You can also consider taking a wine education class, joining a wine club or following Wine Scribes via our subscribe button at the bottom of the page or our Instagram!
  • 5. Relax with a glass of wine Sometimes, the best way to celebrate National Drink Wine Day is to simply kick back and relax with a glass of your favorite wine. Whether you’re enjoying a glass on your own or with friends, take a moment to savor the flavors and appreciate the joys of wine.
  • 6. Overall, National Drink Wine Day is a great excuse to celebrate and appreciate the wonderful world of wine. Whether you prefer red, white, or rosé, there’s a wine for everyone to enjoy. So raise a glass and cheers to National Drink Wine Day!